Mousa Farajallah

Mousa Farajallah

Department Head

Work Experience

Assistant Professor, August-2018-current


Dept. of Computer Engineering and Security (Head) July,2016 --- August, 2018, Full time

Assistant Professor, August-2015-July,2016, Full time, College of Information Technology and Computer Engineering-Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine
The main duties of my new job are: teaching up to 4 graduate and undergraduate courses in Computer Engineering each semester, keeps abreast of current and future
trends to develop or establish the required educational services in Computer Engineering courses. Help and resolve student complaints and other issues. Develops
and maintains relationships with industry partners to support internship, graduation project collaborations. Translate the college's mission and values into students to
ensure that the goals of the Computer Engineering program are attainable. Designs and implements new and innovative programs for business solutions.

Post-Doctoral researcher, Feb-2015 --- August-2015, Full time, INSA of Rennes University and AMP Visual TV company, France
I have developed with our colleagues in INSA a complete security system for the last video standard (HEVC).

Coordinator of the computer center-Engineering College , April-2010-April-2012, Full time, Palestine Polytechnic University
I have worked as a coordinator of the computer center at the college of engineering and also a lecturer at Palestine Polytechnic University, computer center is the responsible unit to provide high-quality computing facilities and services for faculty, students, in order to support the practical courses, research, and educational endeavors of the college of engineering.

Lab Assistant, Sept-2006-April-2010, Full time, Palestine Polytechnic University
From 2006 till 2010 as lab supervisor teaching the practical part of the computer courses and graduation project assistant where I gained good practical knowledge.